Hello everyone! There is a survey about the rebuilding of Galveston Island State Park online that is a great opportunity for us to ask for a sea turtle corral, an interpretative center so programs and exhibits can be seen about the Kemp’s ridleys, etc.
It takes a few minutes to get through the survey at http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/newsmedia/releases/?req=20100909a&nrtype=all&nrspan=2010&nrsearch=
but there are several opportunities to mention the need for a corral for sea turtles, keeping eggs on the Upper Texas Coast, releasing hatchlings in the Galveston area, etc. The need for a bigger nature center fits in several places. There is a public meeting at Texas A&M University at Galveston on the evening of September 21 and I hope some people can get there and ask for a corral. Pass the word to everyone you can and ask them to speak up about a corral, sea turtle interpretative center or whatever you want to say to support funding for the park and increasing attention by the state to the Kemp’s ridleys. Just speak up! Thanks!
Carole A.
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